Posts Tagged ‘poker in inida’


“A family that plays together stays together” So does that mean, if you want your family to stay close to you, then you should convince them to play together?, well no not exactly, but what does it matter any way, playing with your family gives you an ample amount of time to spend with your family. Basically Parents don’t play regularly, once in a blue moon, they get convinced to have a game with their children. But what need to call Mommy and Daddy, when you have your partner right in front of you, yes, absolutely your sibling.

If your sibling is younger to you then you can teach them, and ultimately could make little tricks to show them, how good you are as a Poker player, and if you have an elder one to play with, who already knows the game better than you, then dude better play it according to rules.

Playing Online Poker games with siblings is quite a tasty treat in itself,

–          You can be yourself while playing the game, no need of pretending any etiquette while playing.

–          Can have your favorite snacks any time.

–          Can fight with your opponent without any reason, and at a time can call your parents, for no issues, just for complaining about each other.

–          Can pretend falling sick, just because you are about to lose the match.

–          The best point, simultaneously can listen both of your mutually decided favorite tracks, while playing the game. (If I would have been in your place, would have chosen the recent favorite track world-wide “Because I am happy”, and yes playing online Poker with your sibling, is definitely going to give you lots of happiness.

Many siblings are known world-wide for their poker games strategy, some of them are:

–          Howard Lederer and Annie Duke

–          Michael, Robert, and Eric Mizrachi

–          Alex, Eric and Humberto Brenes

–          Grant and Blair Hinkle

–          Di “Urindanger” and Hac “trex313” Dang

–          Barny and Ross Boatman

So, I guess, all of you are ready now to throw a match against your siblings, get on, stop having pillow fights, call your sibling, and ask them Join “Ek Game Ho Jaye”