Posts Tagged ‘pokabunga online poker india’


Movies are a source of depicting the real lives. May not be exactly, but the theme does coincide with real life activities. By deleting the songs, the heavy dialogues, and the extra melo-drama, we could actually get some part of our life.

Most of the movies are basically made by dedicating to a particular event, or a particular person, or games, irrespective of their genres, it may be thriller, or horror, or romantic, or a science-fiction movie, every movie has some part of real life experience for sure.

Since, we are basically focusing on the Poker game, so let’s just keep our point concrete and clear about the movies based on this particular game. Lots of movies are made based on the Poker game, some of them are: Maverick (1994), Rounders (1998), Oceans Series [11, 12, 13] (2001, 2004, 2007 respectively), Deal (2008), All in-The Poker Movie (2012), All or Nothing (2013).

Now, let’s start with the images of Poker, shall we?

Well, the film – Maverick depicts the life of a poker player, who would rather con someone, than to fight with them.

–          Rounders is a movie that takes us inside a world of high-stakes card players but falls short on such essentials as character development, relationships, still being the part of a real curiosity, written by a couple of guys who appear to know something about the dark reality of card hustling for fun and profit.

–          Oceans Series 3 of these movies shows us the way a gang, con the thieves and artists, to make money, and then travel to Amsterdam to con again but individually, and at last the way they save their close friend, who suffered from a heart attack due to a sour poker deal.

–          Deal is a movie which shows the kind of players, a novice, another an expert, how an expert teaches a novice young poker player about the tricks, and the way the young player gives the expert a tough competition when they both faced each other in an epic WPT Championship.

–          All in-The Poker Movie This documentary movie tells a riveting story of how the one of the oldest games has had a huge renaissance over the last few years. It also shows the moneymaker effect and how poker is now a hip game that attracts thousands to the famous WSOP every single year.

–          All or Nothing This documentary movie tells a riveting story of how the one of the oldest games has had a huge renaissance over the last few years. It also shows the moneymaker effect and how poker is now a hip game that attracts thousands to the famous WSOP every single year.

So, most of the movies have shown this old game as a gambling game, where the player either cons somebody, or gets so addicted that, he wastes all his money on those things. But this is not all the way true, there are still many players who play those games just for having fun, and to learn about the different card games.

So what do you think about the Game of Poker?

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What do you all mean about the “Themes” & the “Game Play”?

Yes, exactly as you all must be knowing “Themes” can be addressed as either a “topic of discussion” or a “subject of artistic representation”. And “Game Play” can be defined as a “Specific way in which players interact with a Game”, I know, most of you must be having more knowledge than me, and the rest who thinks, they don’t know much about “Game Play”, don’t worry, why am I here for? Well “Game Play” is the basic theme about the game, it is also called the game dynamics. For example: In a game of Super Mario, (the character running and jumping through the obstacle, and collecting points, and coins to save the queen) is the basic “Game play” of this particular game.

Bored? Might be thinking that, why am I writing about the normal “Themes” and “Game Play”, actually before starting, I just wanted to throw some light on the part on which we shall discuss. So now let’s just jump on our topic, don’t worry I promise, I am not going to take much time of yours. So now about our very own POKABUNGA, actually I wanted to ask all of our readers, what they think about the site, about its “Theme” and “Game Play”?

Well, our site uses a user friendly site for all of our players and a combination of Black and red colour. The colour of Power and Emotion, these two are very distinct colours though opposite to each other, but that is what we want to achieve, through making our site the most powerful of all the other sites, and at a time understanding the emotions of our customers, players, readers and building our site according to that. Our website also gives you two types of playing experience, one is a beach theme, where you can experience the serenity under the blue sky and the calm blue sea beside your table, and the Standard theme, where you will be getting a Casino feeling, with an exceptionally well designed casino background. We offer a single platform to play both the game rummy and poker, it might be you private tables, playing with your close friends, or might be the normal pools, where not only you can play with experts in tournaments, but also can practice a match if you are new player, with the novice players. Our site gives you a chance to earn real money just by playing it with fun and enthusiasm. And yes last but not the least, our site also provides our esteem players with different offers, whether it is the 15th of August “the independence day” or “the normal welcome bonus” to our new players to give them further encouragement.


Now days People are talking about “Women Empowerment”, Women are in every field, walking equally with the Men. Either it be in Movies, Education or Crime, than why not the Games?

Whether it is Cricket, or Football, or any Outdoor games, Women have started playing all the games. If they can easily play the outdoor games, than why stay behind in indoor games, and since we have started talking about indoor games, the first thing that comes to our mind now is the game of “Poker”. Poker a game which is played in casinos very enthusiastically, betting and shouting every then and now. You might have seen women playing poker games in casinos, betting hard, and playing equally with men, and winning as well. If they can play the game in casinos, then for sure they would love the online games.

Yes, absolutely they love playing poker games online, because it’s the place where they can be with their families, and they could play it without any tension of house-hold chores. Atleast every time they would not get a phone call from their homes asking “It’s already late, when you would be getting home?”

People usually behave like a stereotype, when they think about Women playing poker games that to in online mode, because they think Women can’t easily operate computer. But let me tell one thing, if we see now days, more and more women are entering to the IT industry, if they are not good in computer, then why are they hired as Developers, or Analyst?

There might be a slim number of Women playing the games as compared to Men, but it is still believed, that Women players are far better than half of the Men players in a team.

There are lots of Women Poker Player, whom the whole world knows, they are:

  1. Vanessa Selbst – Bagged over more than $9 million in tournament matches.
  2. Jennifer Harman – Jennifer Harman was the first female player to win two WSOP gold bracelets: the No Limit Deuce to Seven Lowball event in 2000 and the $5,000 Limit Hold’em event in 2002.
  3. Kathy Liebert – Kathy Liebert has been on the poker scene since 1994, but she is still a regular at the major poker tournaments. She has amassed almost $6 million in prize money, with many of her wins taking place in the first decade of the millennium.
  4. Annette Obrestad – She became the youngest person to win a WSOP bracelet in the inaugural World Series of Poker Europe Main Event in 2007, where she pocketed £1,000,000 the day before her 19th birthday.

Some other Women Poker Players are – Maria Ho, Xuan Liu, Liv Boeree, Allyn Shullman, Victoria Coren, Vanessa Rousso.

The only reason, I had mentioned those names because to prove one point, that if those ladies can play and win the game in Casinos, beating their fellow Male opponents, then for sure they can easily  to beat any one, not only those notable players, but also the normal novice Women players can also play the online poker games quite easily, beating their fellow opponents.