Archive for the ‘card games’ Category

Online poker in India

Online poker in India is Online Texas Hold’em, a variant of world famous card game-Poker. Online Texas Hold’em is used and not just Texas Hold’em because Texas Hold’em is of 2 types-Online and Offline (Live). Although rules of the game are same, strategy differs. There are already a number of people in India sticking to bee-hive of Online poker and there are many expected to join. Thanks to genuine Play online poker India guys, poker is becoming more and more famous.

Many consider

live poker to be

  1. loose,
  2. passive and
  3. inelastic

and online poker to be

  1. tight,
  2. aggressive and
  3. elastic

Remember it is strategy that differs in live and online poker.

A brief history of Texas Hold’em

History of Texas Hold’em is rich and interesting.

It started out in Robstown, Texas during early part of 20th century. Exact story of how it actually originated is’nt available but it was simply known as Hold’em up until 1967, when it was introduced to Las Vegas.

The game took off probably because Crandell Addington, one of the men who took poker to Vegas described it as a “thinking man’s game” (due to opportunities it gives you to play strategically).

You could only pay Texas Hold’em at one casino-The Golden Nugget in first few years in Vegas. It was located in Downtown Las Vegas and was a bit of a seedy joint. It did’nt get many high-stake players coming in. Game remained in relative obscurity until 1969 when a Texas Hold’em tournament was held in lobby of Dune casino. The tournament proved to be financially rewarding for a number of high rollers due to prominence of location and popularity of the game increased exponentially-Start of the Texas Hold’em poker’s rise to fame.

Advent of World Series of Poker in 1970 was another big milestone in the history of Texas Hold’em. Benny and Jack Binion, Father and Son, changed name of Gambling Fraternity Convention to World Series of Poker after buying its rights and chose to host it at Binion’s Horseshoe, the casino they owned. Main event of this tournament has been no-limit game of Texas Hold’em ever since 1971, second year of the series. Now, thousands of people compete in the main event of the World Series of Poker each year although amount of entrants were small at first.

Further cemented on the world’s stage was Texas Hold’em with a couple of books released in 70s and 80s. Super System, a Doyle Brunson’s poker strategy book (1978), revolutionized way people viewed and played the game. A documentary account of 1981’s World Series of Poker-The biggest game in town, was written by Al Alvarez. It is credited with starting genre of poker literature and it brought Texas Hold’em and world of professional poker players into public eye.

Texas Hold’em can definitely be seen as a world renowned and mainstream game years on. People from across the world play it for money or for recreation and professional tournaments are broadcast on TV to wide audiences.

Texas Hold’em has had a humble beginning, is flourishing and will continue to flourish.

Texas Hold’em has travelled from west to east, to India and Play online poker India has become a mantra.

General Texas Hold’em poker rules

  1. With a standard deck of 52 cards, the game is played. Players are dealt with five “up” cards and two “down” cards. Community cards are five “up” cards. They are shared by all players. 2-11 players can play the game.
  2. A person acts as a dealer. He is responsible for shuffling the cards, distributing the cards and controlling game flow.
  3. Blind bets are made by two players on left of dealer and the game starts. Now 2 “down” cards are given to each player (“hole” cards). This round is “pre-flop” round.
  4. Three cards in middle of table are turned over by dealer. Second betting round starts. Starts to player on left of dealer and continues to left. A player can call, raise or fold, if there is a bet on table in this round. A player can make bet or check if there is no bet on the table.
  5. Dealer distributes another “up” card (turn) as the second betting round ends. To form a five card poker hand, players can use this sixth card now. Player to left of dealer starts the betting round (Bet amount becomes equal to the maximum table bet in this round).
  6. Final betting round starts now. River, a final card is distributed by dealer. Any combination of cards to make the hand can be used by players.

A hand may be

  1. 1 pocket card and 4 community cards or
  2. 2 pocket cards and 3 community cards
  3. All the players which are in the hand show their cards now. Best hand wins the pot. During the game, a player can fold and get out of the hand in any time however.

Please check Play online poker India in Must if you are an Indian.



First thing or the “CONCEPT” that comes to our mind while playing Poker games is earning MORE by losing LESS.

Now days from choosing Life Partner to shopping vegetables, everything is available Online, then why taking more stress for a game?

Earlier, the first thing that comes to our mind while deciding to play a Poker game is a Casino full of people betting at and for everything, and singers singing. But those are actually a kind of movie concept, which usually show the cities like Las Vegas or Goa. So does that mean people residing in other cities are not allowed to play those games?

Well the answer is NO, absolutely not, not only people residing in other places but aliens also have the right to play the games, though they don’t usually play poker games. And for the rest people we have the provision of online games, which not only includes Music, but also members from other places with whom we can socialize. The concept of earning more and loosing less, actually came through the Online based games. Here we are not asked to pay any money, but if by skills and luck we win the game, then definitely we could get assured that we are winning something.

So isn’t it a wonderful “CONCEPT” for playing online poker games?

Well, I guess all of you would answer with a big YES.

The basic advantages of online poker over offline poker are as follows:

  1. Online Poker offers far more better game selection than offline poker – well absolutely if a game offers good genre music and different types of game, in a same place, without moving from one place to another in search of “your type of poker game”, whether it be ‘Texas Hold ’Em’ or ‘Omaha’, ‘Follow the Queen’ or ‘7 card stud’ or if you wish for ‘5 card draw’ or a ‘High/low Chicago’. Anything and everything you can easily play in a single click. Isn’t it just awesome?
  2. Online Poker provides an good opportunity to win more, as compared to Offline Poker – Of course, I don’t think you need further explanations for this, since it is already written there at the top about the “CONCEPT”.
  3. And last but not the least in Online Poker games, if someone looses the game, you are saved by his cursing and vulgar words, cause for sure he is not going to search for your face book profile to use those pre-designed slangs in your wall or inbox.