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“A family that plays together stays together” So does that mean, if you want your family to stay close to you, then you should convince them to play together?, well no not exactly, but what does it matter any way, playing with your family gives you an ample amount of time to spend with your family. Basically Parents don’t play regularly, once in a blue moon, they get convinced to have a game with their children. But what need to call Mommy and Daddy, when you have your partner right in front of you, yes, absolutely your sibling.

If your sibling is younger to you then you can teach them, and ultimately could make little tricks to show them, how good you are as a Poker player, and if you have an elder one to play with, who already knows the game better than you, then dude better play it according to rules.

Playing Online Poker games with siblings is quite a tasty treat in itself,

–          You can be yourself while playing the game, no need of pretending any etiquette while playing.

–          Can have your favorite snacks any time.

–          Can fight with your opponent without any reason, and at a time can call your parents, for no issues, just for complaining about each other.

–          Can pretend falling sick, just because you are about to lose the match.

–          The best point, simultaneously can listen both of your mutually decided favorite tracks, while playing the game. (If I would have been in your place, would have chosen the recent favorite track world-wide “Because I am happy”, and yes playing online Poker with your sibling, is definitely going to give you lots of happiness.

Many siblings are known world-wide for their poker games strategy, some of them are:

–          Howard Lederer and Annie Duke

–          Michael, Robert, and Eric Mizrachi

–          Alex, Eric and Humberto Brenes

–          Grant and Blair Hinkle

–          Di “Urindanger” and Hac “trex313” Dang

–          Barny and Ross Boatman

So, I guess, all of you are ready now to throw a match against your siblings, get on, stop having pillow fights, call your sibling, and ask them Join “Ek Game Ho Jaye”

“Odd”, a single word but have different meanings, For example: “Looking different from the rest as in looking “Odd”, “Odd Numbers, [1, 3, 5, 7, etc]”, “Odd is also used as a name in Norway”, etc.

But having so different meanings also, It does have a great saying “Every odd style is a new fashion”, so if every case includes “odd things”, then why not our very own “Poker Game”?

Well, yes our poker game also includes a lot of Odd rules, and as Pharrell Williams latest song says “Because I am HAPPY”, we all should be happy to find something odd in everything.

In the game of poker, there are hundreds of odd situation that can occur, and normal rules at time may or may not apply to them. But when money is on the line, there need to be fair odd play for all of those anomalies. Some of those Odd Rules are:

–          Balancing Tables

If you’re running a tournament with two tables, and table 1 loses two players while table 2 is still full, you’re going to have to move one player from table 2 to keep the tables balanced, the moves is done by moving the player who is in (or closest to) the same position relative to the button. So if the open seat is in the cut-off on table 1, you want to move the player from the cut-off on table 2.

This keeps players from having to pay blinds twice, or not at all.

–          Breaking a Table

If you lose enough players to be able to merge one table with another (or multiple others), it’s time to break the table. How to choose who sits where is done by drawing for the open seats.

If you’re moving everyone onto one final table, typically all players, including those already seated at the table, draw for their seat. If you don’t have seat cards, just use the deck counting lowest from highest, starting left of the dealer.

–          Multiple players all-in: When multiple players are all-in, you must make multiple side pots. Make a main pot as described above. After you’ve done that, repeat the process with the next-smallest stack.

–          Two players all-in for different amounts: In this scenario, you take the amount of the smaller stack from the big stack into the pot, returning the difference to the big-stack player.

–          Dealer Deals an Extra Hand or a Hand to a Seat with No Player:In this scenario, as long as no one looks at the extra hand, it’s folded as a dead hand, and play continues as usual.

–          Turn is dealt without burning: When the dealer deals the turn card without burning, that card is simply treated as a flash card. The dealer makes sure all players see the card before turning it face down as the burn card, dealing the real turn as normal.

–          Two burn cards dealt when dealing the turn: In the case of a dealer burning two cards, and turning over a third as the turn, that third card is treated as a flashed card, and is returned to the top of the deck as the burn for the river. The second burn card is turned face up, since it is the valid turn card.

Odd is a single soul, peculiar, with no mate, sometimes have a positive sense, and sometimes have a negative sense, and having it in our favour, it means we have the ability to win the world.

So guys, just chill out and sing it “Because I am happy”.




Well it is a question, right? But I feel like every player who plays poker is great in himself/herself, (Girls also do play poker, so let not be so biased). Though every game makes their own “KING” (Here, in the context king is addressed to the one who is an expert). Players are not usually born talented, they also make their journey from being a “NOVICE” to getting the throne as a “KING”. So like every other game, poker games also have their own “KING”.

Now let’s just check out little tips to understand what makes a normal player to be a good player:

  1. Don’t keep on bluffing every then and now – You should bluff, but not always. You should remember, you are playing this game to be a “Great Poker Player”, not a “Bluff master”, and just to bluff for the sake of bluffing is not done. Because bluffing don’t always help you, though sometimes it is necessary to bluff, depending on the co-players, and the situation in which you are in.
  2. Don’t get drunk, while playing – Well earlier you might have heard about a saying, “Don’t drink and drive”, of course, if u drink while driving, it may cause you a life risk. Similarly if you drink while playing a poker game, it may cause you a risk for your property. Well drinking while playing a poker game in casinos, no doubt is a sign of STATUS, but you should always remember, if you continue drinking at certain intervals in a match, it might hamper your same STATUS.
  3. Don’t play every hand/Do fold more – It’s better to take risk, but not always. You should not play every hand, better to drop your game once or twice a while.
  4. Do pay attention towards other players – Never underestimate your opponents, they might pretend to be novice, or mad or drunk, but you should always remember, that if they are playing poker with you, then they must be good enough. If you know if one player always raises in a certain position, & another has a poker tell when he bluffs, & a 3rd folds to every re-raise, you can use that information to help you decide how to play against them.
  5. Don’t play when Mad, Sad, or generally in Bad mood – In movies it does shows, the way mad or sad people come to play the poker match, and at the end they win the game, and become the hero, but never think that it would happen in your real life, those are just a kind of mirage. Because fellow member might be in an advantage for your mood.

Are you great poker player Login to


Poker game is a game of skill, luck, and sometimes a little bluffing way around. Here the word “sometimes” actually means “sometimes” only, not “always” at all. Though Bluffing is a necessary object in a winning strategy, but just for the sake of bluffing, some one shouldn’t bluff. In the game of poker, a bluff is a bet or raise made with a hand which is not thought to be the best hand

There are two types of bluff, done while playing the poker game:

  • Pure Bluff – is a bet or raise with an inferior hand that has a little or no chance of improving.
  • Semi Bluff – to bluff on one round with an inferior or drawing hand that might improve in a later round.

Bluff is kind of a magical wand in the Poker game, but the irony is, it has some limited powers, you can’t use it every then and now, thus it should be used in specific situations against a specific type of player.

One of the most important points of the Bluffing Part is:

  • You shouldn’t at all bluff, if you are with a poor player
  • You should try on bluffing, if you are playing against decent competitors.
  • Bluffing is a complex concept, you shouldn’t attempt, if you are a novice player.

Bluffing injects unpredictability into your strategy – if you never bluff, your opponents will know you only bet aggressively when you have a strong hand, and will fold before putting any sizeable amount into the pot. Bluffing allows you to gain value with a hand that had none and is an especially useful tool against weak players.

But before trying to bluff, you should learn to observe the competitors carefully. Bluffing provides less favorable pot odds to opponents for a call.

So do Bluff, but to a minimal range, to make your own game a bit too exciting to resist, and if you are unable to resist, and want another poker game, so just login to our website

Ek Game Ho Jaye!!


Movies are a source of depicting the real lives. May not be exactly, but the theme does coincide with real life activities. By deleting the songs, the heavy dialogues, and the extra melo-drama, we could actually get some part of our life.

Most of the movies are basically made by dedicating to a particular event, or a particular person, or games, irrespective of their genres, it may be thriller, or horror, or romantic, or a science-fiction movie, every movie has some part of real life experience for sure.

Since, we are basically focusing on the Poker game, so let’s just keep our point concrete and clear about the movies based on this particular game. Lots of movies are made based on the Poker game, some of them are: Maverick (1994), Rounders (1998), Oceans Series [11, 12, 13] (2001, 2004, 2007 respectively), Deal (2008), All in-The Poker Movie (2012), All or Nothing (2013).

Now, let’s start with the images of Poker, shall we?

Well, the film – Maverick depicts the life of a poker player, who would rather con someone, than to fight with them.

–          Rounders is a movie that takes us inside a world of high-stakes card players but falls short on such essentials as character development, relationships, still being the part of a real curiosity, written by a couple of guys who appear to know something about the dark reality of card hustling for fun and profit.

–          Oceans Series 3 of these movies shows us the way a gang, con the thieves and artists, to make money, and then travel to Amsterdam to con again but individually, and at last the way they save their close friend, who suffered from a heart attack due to a sour poker deal.

–          Deal is a movie which shows the kind of players, a novice, another an expert, how an expert teaches a novice young poker player about the tricks, and the way the young player gives the expert a tough competition when they both faced each other in an epic WPT Championship.

–          All in-The Poker Movie This documentary movie tells a riveting story of how the one of the oldest games has had a huge renaissance over the last few years. It also shows the moneymaker effect and how poker is now a hip game that attracts thousands to the famous WSOP every single year.

–          All or Nothing This documentary movie tells a riveting story of how the one of the oldest games has had a huge renaissance over the last few years. It also shows the moneymaker effect and how poker is now a hip game that attracts thousands to the famous WSOP every single year.

So, most of the movies have shown this old game as a gambling game, where the player either cons somebody, or gets so addicted that, he wastes all his money on those things. But this is not all the way true, there are still many players who play those games just for having fun, and to learn about the different card games.

So what do you think about the Game of Poker?

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“Life”: The first thing that comes to our mind for this term is “ups and downs”.

Isn’t it?

Well I guess all of your answers matches mine. Yeah, Life is full of ups and downs, and it does have some villains in the scene as well. Poker is also the same, it does have some ups and downs as well, whenever you perform well in the game, those are your “up” times, and whenever you lose a bet in the game, that is your “down” time. And Poker game does have a villain, who tries to defeat you. Let’s check a table of similarities between “Poker” and “Life”.

Points Poker Life
Happiness/Celebrations Whenever you win a match Whenever you get something you desired.
Sorrow Whenever you lose a match Whenever you don’t get the thing you desired for.
Saviours Someone who teaches you the trick and strategies to win the game Someone who saves you from an ugly situation.
Villains Who tries to defeat you in the game For whom you get trapped into ugly situation.
Grudge/Revenge Who have taken all your money by defeating you. Who have made you suffer bad situations
Partner The one who plays with/for you. Your spouse or beloved.
Bad times Getting hands, you dint wish for. Getting situations, you dint wish for.

Some of the other similarities are pots, hands, flops, rivers, turns and etc. That goes both for poker as well as life.

The concept of life that has been shown in movies is quite different than the real life, every time the happy ending is not guaranteed. The same thing goes for the poker game as well, the concepts that has been shown in Movies, are like, People goes to casinos, to play poker games with some guy wearing a black hoodie, and who turns out to be a villain, beside whom the dancers keep on dancing, but at the end the hero wins, and the dancers shift towards him, to dedicate a dance for him, and then there starts a fighting, hero wins it again and he gets the heroin, and then live happily ever after. But it is too different then the real life poker games, neither the hero wins every time, nor the dancers dance for him. So, this concludes to a new saying: “Life is a game of Poker”

Both in Poker and Life, sometimes you got to deal with some nuts, maniacs, geeks, novice, experts, villains, and the heroes. And every time if you just know the way to deal with those persons tactfully, then you are a winner. And one thing that goes for both of them very well is, “If you can’t beat them, then bluff them”.


What do you all mean about the “Themes” & the “Game Play”?

Yes, exactly as you all must be knowing “Themes” can be addressed as either a “topic of discussion” or a “subject of artistic representation”. And “Game Play” can be defined as a “Specific way in which players interact with a Game”, I know, most of you must be having more knowledge than me, and the rest who thinks, they don’t know much about “Game Play”, don’t worry, why am I here for? Well “Game Play” is the basic theme about the game, it is also called the game dynamics. For example: In a game of Super Mario, (the character running and jumping through the obstacle, and collecting points, and coins to save the queen) is the basic “Game play” of this particular game.

Bored? Might be thinking that, why am I writing about the normal “Themes” and “Game Play”, actually before starting, I just wanted to throw some light on the part on which we shall discuss. So now let’s just jump on our topic, don’t worry I promise, I am not going to take much time of yours. So now about our very own POKABUNGA, actually I wanted to ask all of our readers, what they think about the site, about its “Theme” and “Game Play”?

Well, our site uses a user friendly site for all of our players and a combination of Black and red colour. The colour of Power and Emotion, these two are very distinct colours though opposite to each other, but that is what we want to achieve, through making our site the most powerful of all the other sites, and at a time understanding the emotions of our customers, players, readers and building our site according to that. Our website also gives you two types of playing experience, one is a beach theme, where you can experience the serenity under the blue sky and the calm blue sea beside your table, and the Standard theme, where you will be getting a Casino feeling, with an exceptionally well designed casino background. We offer a single platform to play both the game rummy and poker, it might be you private tables, playing with your close friends, or might be the normal pools, where not only you can play with experts in tournaments, but also can practice a match if you are new player, with the novice players. Our site gives you a chance to earn real money just by playing it with fun and enthusiasm. And yes last but not the least, our site also provides our esteem players with different offers, whether it is the 15th of August “the independence day” or “the normal welcome bonus” to our new players to give them further encouragement.


Now days People are talking about “Women Empowerment”, Women are in every field, walking equally with the Men. Either it be in Movies, Education or Crime, than why not the Games?

Whether it is Cricket, or Football, or any Outdoor games, Women have started playing all the games. If they can easily play the outdoor games, than why stay behind in indoor games, and since we have started talking about indoor games, the first thing that comes to our mind now is the game of “Poker”. Poker a game which is played in casinos very enthusiastically, betting and shouting every then and now. You might have seen women playing poker games in casinos, betting hard, and playing equally with men, and winning as well. If they can play the game in casinos, then for sure they would love the online games.

Yes, absolutely they love playing poker games online, because it’s the place where they can be with their families, and they could play it without any tension of house-hold chores. Atleast every time they would not get a phone call from their homes asking “It’s already late, when you would be getting home?”

People usually behave like a stereotype, when they think about Women playing poker games that to in online mode, because they think Women can’t easily operate computer. But let me tell one thing, if we see now days, more and more women are entering to the IT industry, if they are not good in computer, then why are they hired as Developers, or Analyst?

There might be a slim number of Women playing the games as compared to Men, but it is still believed, that Women players are far better than half of the Men players in a team.

There are lots of Women Poker Player, whom the whole world knows, they are:

  1. Vanessa Selbst – Bagged over more than $9 million in tournament matches.
  2. Jennifer Harman – Jennifer Harman was the first female player to win two WSOP gold bracelets: the No Limit Deuce to Seven Lowball event in 2000 and the $5,000 Limit Hold’em event in 2002.
  3. Kathy Liebert – Kathy Liebert has been on the poker scene since 1994, but she is still a regular at the major poker tournaments. She has amassed almost $6 million in prize money, with many of her wins taking place in the first decade of the millennium.
  4. Annette Obrestad – She became the youngest person to win a WSOP bracelet in the inaugural World Series of Poker Europe Main Event in 2007, where she pocketed £1,000,000 the day before her 19th birthday.

Some other Women Poker Players are – Maria Ho, Xuan Liu, Liv Boeree, Allyn Shullman, Victoria Coren, Vanessa Rousso.

The only reason, I had mentioned those names because to prove one point, that if those ladies can play and win the game in Casinos, beating their fellow Male opponents, then for sure they can easily  to beat any one, not only those notable players, but also the normal novice Women players can also play the online poker games quite easily, beating their fellow opponents.



The word “Strategy”, doesn’t it sounds like “Conspiracy” or “Sorcery”?

Yes it does sounds a little like that, but it is not exactly like those two. Strategy also involves a little planning, but it abides by the rule of LAW, and the other two quoted words are the planning that is done for criminal offence.

In earlier days also people use to make strategies for winning games, Indian readers might be knowing about the very well known mythological epic “Mahabharat” where the “Kauravas” have used a strategy to win their game against the “Pandavas”. So this kind of concludes that our fore fathers were also very much into those strategies, then why not we can?

And if it comes to games, particularly the Card games, then using strategy to win is a must.

Texas Hold ‘Em is a type of Poker card game, which has its own set of popular strategies. It takes years of practice to master these strategies and become a professional Poker Player of the NO Limit format.

“No Limit” implies there is no limit to the raising of a stake in a particular round in a deal. In other formats, before starting a game, a “Limit” is decided by the players, and unless and until the game is over, no player is allowed to raise the because any player can bet any amount, including going all in, at any point in the hand.

The main Advantages of “NO Limit” are:

  1. You can punish the calling stations by giving them unfavorable odds on their draws.
  2. You can trap maniacs for all their chips in one move.

The main strategies for Getting a Win for Texas Hold ‘Em are:

  1. Don’t play too many hands- Selecting good hands can make you win more than selecting bad hands.
  2. Don’t Bluff too much- You can bluff, there is no problem in bluffing, but bluffing every here and there might cost you a little more, and usually bluffing is also an art that comes after practicing a lot.
  3. Think about your opponent card – It is very important to think about the strength of your opponent’s card.
  4. Play against players worse than you – Sitting with the players who are worse than you, gives you a confidence of winning the match, but sitting with someone who is better than you, could be an absurd decision, unless and until you have that much of strong luck.
  5. Think about your Position – It is also one of the important point, sitting position matters a lot, and it would be better if you just sit, where you have to act at last.
  6. Know the rules – the most important point of the game, unless and until you know all the rules of the game, you shouldn’t jump in to play the game.

Enjoy playing no limit texas holdem poker at